About Us

Do you dream of transitioning to a simpler life? Would you like to live
a more self-sufficient, resilient and localized lifestyle? Come connect
with other like-minded people to discuss how we can reduce our individual
and collective impact on the environment while creating community.

Links to our other sites:
     Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eastvalleytransition/
     FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eastvalleytransition/

Our Vision
Promoting and creating a network of sustainability resilient communities
in the east valley

Transition Initiatives are based on four key assumptions
  • Life with dramatically lower energy consumption
    is inevitable.  It's
    better to plan for this than to be taken by surprise.
  • Our communities presently lack the resilience
    to enable them to weather the severe energy shocks that will accompany
    peak oil.
  • We have to act collectively, and we have to act
  • By unleashing the collective genius of those around
    us to creatively and proactively design our energy descent, we can build
    ways of living that are more connected, more enriching and that recognize
    the biological limits of our planet.

Six principles that underpin the Transition model
  1. Visioning
    - We believe that we can only move towards something if we can imagine
    what it will be like when we get there.
  2. Inclusion
    - We seek to facilitate a degree of dialogue and inclusion with all people
    of all philosophies, and believes including people outside of our comfort
    zones (ie those who do not agree with our vision of the future).
  3. Awareness raising
    - Provide people the key arguments to understand both energy and physical
    resource limitations we will be facing.
  4. Resilience
    - Try to build a community that is self sustaining and carbon neutral.
  5. Psychological
    - Key barriers to engagement are the sense of powerlessness,
    isolation and overwhelm that environmental issues can often generate.
     We wish
    to create a positive vision by creating safe spaces where people can talk,
    digest and feel how these issues affect them, and how to take steps and
    action to resolving them.
  6. Credible and
    appropriate solutions
    - We seek to move to a better more hopeful
    future by engage in community level actions.

Want to know more about the Transition initiative?  Come join us at or monthly meetings
where we pool resources, share ideas, and try to better our future.  You can also learn
more about the Transition movement by reading The Transition Handbook a free PDF
copy can be obtained HERE.